Tuesday, April 28, 2009


OK, so unlike most new mothers I returned back to work before Mark. So for almost three and half weeks when I was back to work, he was allowed to be Mr. Mom. And he is wonderful
at it. I however other then now, after work, for like three hours tops.. have never been alone with my daughter. Many of you laugh when I tell you stories of how terrified I truly am that something is going to go wrong while I watch her. Well, at the beginning of last week Mark informed me that he had a class to teach and it was until ten EVERY night. What does this mean? Well, it means that I pick her up from Nana's at three-thirty and am with her until around eleven all by myself. Of course I freaked. I have had an upset stomach ever since he told me the news. The reason for this blog is to say I am an idiot! It is now 8:30 on my first night home with her... and SO far we have both survived! We played and trimmed her nails and had a great time. And as I look at her laughing and talking what I can only guess are sweet nothings to her mom to say, "I love you." I wonder how the heck I could ever be terrified of something so cute, wonderful, and precious. So to Elva -- you were right as usual! I just wanted everyone to know that I made it. And that she is a wonderful blessing. I still have doubts that number two will ever come.. other than adoption. But I am enjoying every second!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This is the ever so popular picture that my sister, Lauri thought to pose her in on her first Easter. My manager lovingly calls it her "peeps" pose. Saying that she looks like an Easter peep!

In Conclusion.

So we picked her up from her first over nighter somewhere other than Nana's or the one time with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Scott.(Due to Mark's need for the ER). And she did wonderful! We walked in and she was contentedly sitting on my eldest of the two cousins (10yrs.) Kiley-- sorry for misspellings. And she was just as happy as she could be. Again I would like to express my thanks .. getting away and having adult time is wonderful! Maybe next time we can stay up later than 10p.m. ~ probably not!

Me and my cousins

Our Anniversary

SO we got to go out on a real date. It was a long day for Morgan I took her to her first ever wedding! Amber looked gorgeous the weather held out. And Morgan was perfect. Then we picked up daddy and my overnight bag and I went to go stay with my cousins!! Despite her screaming tantrums ladies, I know she loves it -- mommy just wore her out going to a wedding and having a car ride from Lockhart to Kyle for a nap! Then we went to dinner like two adults!! Only it was really loud and the food wasn't all that great, but non the less we got to spend a night alone, before our anniversary! (7 years!!) We then hit the outlet mall, got a few things that Mark needed for work and proceeded home. Each one yawning and it wasn't even 10 o'clock! We were in bed sound asleep by 10~ pathetic I know.. we feel so old. But thanks to The "Kyle" Peterson's we were able to have a night out and sleep in a bit~thanks! Hope that she didn't keep you guys up all night~