Monday, August 31, 2009

8 Months oh, where did the time go?

Okay she turned 8 months old yesterday! YIKES...slow down! Here are some new photos I thought that I would download, or is it upload her photo shoot- Here are some pics of the ceiling that Mark painted white, but they are going back to tan--DON'T ASK! Here is her one and only mug shot (we hope).. We are going to take prettier, more lady like photos in it later, Mark thought he was being cute! And here is some of her with her day with dad.. Maybe she thinks that if she feeds her hair the Cheerios that it will grow? Who knows?? It will make for a fun bath time for me to night as we discover where else they landed! Oh, the joys of motherhood. Love the laughs though- TOTALLY worth it, and totally contagious!

Before we sign off for the day just wanted to say that we are glad Papo's thing went well, fingers crossed that it will come back with good news. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Papa!!! You're old, but I STILL love you!!! =) Love to all. Have a great week!

Friday, August 28, 2009

WOW -- how could I forget!

In my hurry to finish and get monkey and me to bed I forgot the most important thing that we have learn thus far! She said her first word, MOMMA!!! yeah.. Mark told her she could not come out of her room until she learned dadda so we are working on that now! She turns 8 months old on Sunday. Can't believe how fast it has flown -- by the next time I write she might be walking- so don't forget to keep reading! Love you all!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Busy Times

Ok -- so this is going to be short, sorry guys but it is almost nite- nite time again! We have had a very busy month...with crawling, pulling up, and falling on everything that moves! She has found a new and cool passageway through the side table in the living room her own "tunnel". She met a new friend and so did momma. Menda and Briley and the famous "Speckles"! They are moving in up the road and Briley wears Morgan out, Menda is and Aggie!!! And well, I think that Mark and Speckles are dating! j/k I think that we will all be hanging out a lot more when they move to Kyle. So can't wait, because we need more "family" friends! Also we tried real peas and pasta for the first time. She shovels it in pretty fast, it just doesn't stay there- She hasn't quite figured out how to chew...we will learn! Oh yeah, and in the midst of all of this we have torn up our laminate floors AGAIN! and put down new ones. I am sure however that these will stay down. We having the molding almost done, then painting... and then onto the next project! Okay well she is ready for that cereal and mommy is ready for bed it has been a LONG week! Thank God my manager let me take a "insane" day tomorrow. God knows I need it! Love to all-- keep praying for the RAIN. (We saw about 30 minutes last night, would have loved about 30 hours!!!)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Always knew..

Okay so this was Mark's Saturday to work... I always have big plans when I have Morgan, but don't know why because I have yet to get anything on my "to-do" list accomplished. We did make it to Kohl's to find some awesome deals. How can you turn down an outfit that is ONE DOLLAR?? Anyways, back to my title. I always knew that Morgan was my daughter, but today totally confirmed it! She was taking naps, but wasn't fussy, and it was too early to feed her, so I put her on the ground and started to vacuum, she got a hold of the cord and started crawling towards the vacuum...I was so proud! One day she can take on my OCD, of a clean house! (Which trust me lately has been VERY far from my standards, but I have learned to get over that!!) We played with all of our toys, ate, went for a walk, and took a nature hike around the small neighborhood twice!! I ran out of ideas, so we took a bath in the "BIG" bathtub and then had a great idea for a photo op.. so enjoy the new photos and the rest of your weekend-- it is going by too fast! Love to all!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Too cute not to post!

So my friend Alaina has been posting and taking pics of her daughter naked. I personally think that is when Morgan is the cutest... so while mine don't show anything, because Mark would not be happy - I had to share them because she is so darn cute/precious! I think that I missed my calling too! Stand back Kelly I think that there maybe another photographer in the family! I have to say though, it is hard not to take great photos with such a beautiful subject... and the great camera doesn't hurt either! Hope that you are all having a great week! Love you!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What a long week!!

What a long week, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Let me first start off by thanking Nana, Aunt Heather, and of course Papa! Don't think I would have made it through without ya'll!! Mark went on a week long training class in College Station and left his "women" behind. I told him to take it as a week long vacation. Yes, you have to go to work. But no crying to wake you up just as you fall asleep -- no dirty diapers, or bottles...even if you do have to get up at 5am for class, still a little bit of a vacation. We survived and only stayed at Nana's house twice. Thursday night was the best though I felt so accomplished. I picked her up from her weekly visit to grandma and grandpa's house and we went home, she slept... I made a real dinner and was able to eat it and for the most part clean up before she woke up-- *and yes! it was even edible! Had her in bed asleep by 7:30-- it was great! But there is still nothing like HELP~ So to any and all single parents out there, You are amazing!! Love to all-- here is to an uneventful week! (sorry note the shadow on the wall of her crazy hair!!) TOO CUTE!