Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm 6 months OLD!!

6 months old on 6/30! I can hardly believe that she has been in our lives for this long... they say it gets easier. Don't know about that -- she takes less naps, is mobile.. but it has made for many, many entertaining moments. I love this age. Almost everything is funny too her. And she can entertain herself with her feet, who knew! She is crawling backwards right under the coffee table, and is frustrated by the fact that she can't figure out how to go out of reverse and move FORWARD! We still haven't made it to fruits, but that is okay, b/c we have all the time in the world! Now is when I wish more than anything to be a stay at home mom! She is so much FUN.. I Do know that it will only get better- And I can't wait! Love to all! (wow, did spell check and No misspellings-- can that be right? Aunt Kathy - you better check!!! hope you are having fun on vacation!)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our first vacation...OH, yeah and my first time in a pool!

Well, we arrived back late on Monday afternoon. And it has been crazy trying to get back in the groove of things ever since. So I apologize for the lateness of this post! We had a lot of fun on our first vacation ...well, except for those lovely biting mosquito's! We swam for the first time, although I don't know that she knew what to think. Because I told her -- it was just like a bigger bathtub... she seemed confused that everyone was in it with her~ but by the second, and third go-around she liked it, even kicked her feet! We went and saw daddy at the fishing Pier, where he caught...absolutely nothing! And mommy put me in all these crazy hats! It was nice to get away and try and relax for a bit! We will have more pics keep reading! Love you!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Morgan is So Darn Cute!

Ok so let me first begin by saying that there should be more pictures on here, but my computer is slow and I only have so long, to write and download. The other ones Mark won't let me post but they are too cute. We took them of her on Mark's new motorcycle (work motorcycle) in wrangler diaper covers... they are adorable! We are having way to much fun, although I don't think that I was saying that at 2 AM this morning!! Let you go for now have a fabulous week. We will as we leave for Morgan's first vacation on Thurs. I will post those next week! Her in her bathing suit, and glasses -- should be priceless! Love to all!